Keith: In the last ten months I
have purchased thirty-six #1 issues. That number is slightly skewed by DC's New
52. Simple math says that that turns out to be about three #1 issues per month.
That's a lot of starts and a lot of do-overs. Now, some of those thirty-six
were limited series that have ended (The
Strange Talent of Luther Strode) or will end soon (Planetoid, Spaceman). For
every series that ends, there are ten more to take its place. First issues, it
turns out, are like those creaky black-and-white zombies, tireless, relentless.
But are they disposable? All this going #1 (sorry can't resist) makes me a
poorer man. Am I, however, wiser as well? First, let me set some guidelines and
a parameter or six before diving into some examples.
A first issue is so suffuse with anticipation
that it is (almost?) genetically predisposed to disappoint. At its best, it's
an exercise in frustration, even if that frustration comes from having to wait
a month for the next issue, a first-world problem to be sure. In theory, a good
#1 should be no different than a good #33 or #367, but that's not the way it
works. A good story may be a good story and therefore transcend its order in a
series. A first issue … that's different (special?) isn't it, if only because
it is 'the first?'One of my least liked comic book criticism crutches is the phrase 'decompressed storytelling,' which sounds to me like shorthand for 'I'm bored, but can't (won't?) quit and move on, a reverse 'it's not you it's me' kind of argument. For me, every story is a Gandalf, it is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when its author means it to and that goes for beginnings, middles and ends (barring, of course, unforeseen circumstances like cancellation). The reader is a silent partner. If the author chooses to take the long cut or write a series of one-offs or decides to create a narrative that only makes sense when understood as a whole that's that. It's like that old joke: How many comic book readers does it take to change a light bulb? One to change it and ten thousand to say how much better the old light bulb was (one the internet, of course). Readers can't change how a writer writes, but they sure as hell can carp about it.
Again, a good story is a good story and in the case of a first issue it really needs to hook the reader. Duh. For me, a first issue (above all) must possess promise in either plot or character. As for setting, sorry, it's a handmaiden by its own design. I'm genre-diverse, but I need more than atmosphere, more than spaceships and lush English country-sides. If the spaceship (or glen) is sentient, we can talk. Promise also comes in the form of a theme or an idea as well. A story about 'loss' or 'identity' intrigues because those notions are recognizable and often reflect a character's arc i.e. the plot. Modern (and post-modern) literature limits plot and chooses to focus on abstract ideas, in other words a lot of navel-gazing -- Who am I? Why am I here? What does it all mean? -- you know, bullshit like that.
Before turning it over to the esteemed gentleman from San Diego, I want to recognize the importance of uniqueness. The more singular the story, the more it seems to possess a mélange of secret and intangible ingredients: cool-looking spaceship, O.K., living spaceship, better, conscious spaceship that flirts with the crew and is haunted by the soul of a belly dancer, even better. So, that's what I look for in the first issue: promise and abstraction.
Justin: Thanks, Keith. The gentleman from Vermont stands relieved. Well, you know I'm a statistics nerd, so I thought I'd initially respond with my own #1 count. I tracked the metrics for the last year and found that I sampled 91 new #1 issues in the last 12 months. Now, as you indicated some of these were finite mini-series that have since wrapped, and I also consume both mainstream titles and small press offerings. With those caveats aside, I only continued to support 17 of those 91 titles for any significant length of time. That's about 19%, which sounds abysmal to me. That means (approximately) that for every 5 books I try, I only like 1 of them enough to commit any form of ongoing financial support.
Before I dive into what I
think makes a "good" and compelling #1, I want to play devil's advocate
and take issue with the statement you made about "decompressed
storytelling," because who doesn't enjoy two bloggers getting up into each
other's faces? Come at me, Silva! I don't think citing decompression is
necessarily a lazy critical tool. If you take 6 pages to show two characters
walking across the street, something that could be done in 1 page, or even just
1 panel, and there's no story-driven reason why that length is relevant or
important to the crux of the narrative, then criticizing it for wanton decompression
just for the sake of itself can be a valid argument in my opinion[1].Off the top of my head, I was able to lump the factors that make a "good" new #1 for me into 5 categories. One, it has a lot to do with the strength of the writer and the artist. This might sound like a 'Master of the Obvious' comment to make, but let me explain. After reading comics for so many years and enduring the majority of lackluster creative output available -- 81% was that it? -- I've had to impose some fairly stringent guidelines to keep myself sane. I have to love the art, whether it's someone I'm familiar with or someone new to me. I have to love the writing, whether it's someone I'm familiar with or someone new to me. And, I have to love them both at the same time. I can't just love one or the other. Both have to be clicking or I just won't come back.

Four, I think accessibility is very important for a new #1 issue. For me, I look for a precarious balancing act between telling me enough to engage me and make me care about the world or the characters or the ideas and being emotionally invested in the work, without treating me like I'm a 5 year old. I don't want to be told everything. I want to discover some of the mysteries for myself. I mean, I'll take the hot chick in my hotel room wearing just a pair of my boxers and sultry eyes over the fully naked woman screaming for sex any day, right? I don't want to be assaulted with expositional dialogue dumps and narrative captions that are telling me how I should be feeling at any given moment. I also don't want something to be so obtuse and laden with inter-textual Easter Egg references (Grant Morrison, Alan Moore, I'm looking at you guys) or some non-linear stream of consciousness style of scripting that I can't get a foothold on what's going on or why I should care. You read comics because you want to be entertained, right? Ideally that entertainment transcends to become art. But, bottom line, in a new #1 you have to do one thing: start a good story.
Lastly, I guess I'll throw a wildcard into the mix and talk about blind faith. There are one or two creators who have banked enough credibility with me on past projects that nothing I said above applies. Let me be clear that this is extremely rare and true of only two people I can think of at the moment: Paul Pope and Brian Wood. It doesn't matter what the book is about, the genre, the publisher, if it's a singular venture or they're working with collaborators, a one-shot, a mini-series, or an ongoing title. If their name is on it, I buy it without question, as a creative leap of faith. Usually their projects will meet some or all of the above criteria, but even if they don't, even if I'm not instantly hooked with that first issue, I keep buying it and see it through to the end because these guys have earned my loyalty and I trust them enough to ride with them to the very end. What new #1 issues have worked for you recently and why?
Keith: Leave it to you to find the one (or twenty) flaws in my argument. You're right, it's
not about how many first issues one buys, but how
many twos, threes and sixties(!). Because let's face it (in the most cynical
sense) what makes a good first issue is that you want to buy the next issue and
the next, etc. etc. So, logically, that's really all a #1 needs to accomplish:
get 'em to buy issue #2, which are usually a huge let down, but that's a
question for another day.

I like your 'wildcard' and it's something I considered – the credibility of 'blind faith.' Back in the mid-80's there was nothing by Frank Miller or Bill Sienkiewicz that I would not have bought, same goes for Howard Chaykin. Those were 'my guys' and I am nothing if not brand loyal. That's not the case now. Those creators have changed and so have I. Based on The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, I will buy whatever Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore do next (together and individually) be it Strode or anything else because they've built up credibility with me. I'm in for at least 3 issues (again a topic for another day ... how long do you give a series before you bail?) on the next iteration of the Strode story. I did not include this is my prior missive because I considered it too obvious. While one is in the throes of one's particular mania Paul Pope, Brian Wood, Frank Miller, Becky Cloonan, etc., one is in for the long haul and not just the first issue. In that sense #33 is no more important than #1, because one is buying them for a different reason, merit is a given. I would make another metaphor here (I'm almost out of time) about having bought EVERY Led Zeppelin tape (even Presence and Coda) when I first discovered Zeppelin because my mania knew no bounds and I could not discern. It was Zeppelin. COME AT ME Giampaoli!
Justin: I think you summed up this decompression beef nicely. Have a point!
Writers using a slower, more thorough pace, what's become modern comic book
parlance for 'decompression,' is absolutely their prerogative - provided it
has a discernible point. It's interesting that you mention Hell Yeah because it was certainly a new #1 that seemed to fail for
both of us. However, for me, it wasn't really the decompression that killed it.
It just failed almost all of my other GM (heh) criteria. I thought the art was
fuzzy, sloppy, inconsistent and uninspiring, the story seemed like it was a
derivative blend of Kick-Ass and Sky High, and it was trying to do the superheroes-as-flawed-paradigm analysis (while being extremely expositional
in the process), but didn't seem to bring anything unique to that particular
table. Your mileage may vary.
I'm glad you brought up Prophet #21 too, though I can't resist
being "that guy" and saying it's disqualified because technically
it's not a new #1 ("HAW-HAW!" - Nelson) even though it functionally
is one, because it's a great example of a strong debut. You mention wanting to
know more about John Prophet's world, and that leads me to introduce another concept,
which is world-building. I think strong #1 issues should make an effort to
world-build. Now, maybe there's some overlap here with a couple of the
categories already established, a) being unique or fresh and/or b) having a
strong hook. I guess it depends, again, on how you really define hook. I get a
little bugged when people interpret hook
as meaning a twist, like a twist
ending. I guess hooks can be twists, but twists aren't the only type of hook?
Anyway, Prophet is a grand example of world-building that doesn't stop to get expositional, yet remains
accessible and intriguing enough to pull you right in and leave you wanting
more. All of his hobbiting around served this precious point, to organically
tour us through the world that Brandon Graham set out to build, with the aid of Simon Roy on that first issue.Maybe I'm diverging a little here, but I see a lot of other tangential questions popping up here which are maybe outside the scope of this discussion. You mentioned The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, but that was a mini-series. So, do you thing the factors change or skew slightly when writing a new #1 for a finite mini-series vs. an ongoing? You also mention the first 3-issue arc of Conan The Barbarian. Do you think the factors for writing a 'good' first issue change based on how long the arc will be? I'm generalizing, but most modern on-goings will have 5 or 6 issue arcs. Brian Wood specifically said that his writing changed by having to condense everything into 3-issue arcs. Maybe this means more densely told stories, more compressed vs. decompressed (ugh! that word again!) storytelling, more to offer, more value to hook someone in the first issue. Speaking of value, does price point factor in to your decision-making process about a "good" first issue? Vertigo has been pretty good about offering some of their new #1 issues at an introductory $1. Your precious Spaceman #1 was $1, no? Does a book being $2.99 vs. $3.50 or $3.99 influence you specific to your decision to continue?
Keith: Precious Spaceman? You wound, sir. You wound. I'd like to say that price
matters and maybe it does for the most risk averse when it comes to trying a new
series. But a buck is a buck, and who among us would not shout out ''I'd buy[2] that
for a dollar!'' if issue #2 or #172 bore a similar cover price. My discretionary
income for a particular week often dictates if I'm willing to take a chance on
a number one and even then I try to pre-order through my LCS and have the issue
on my pull-list. I can't say for sure if the length of a story-arc would sway
me to pick up a first issue -- oddly enough, it is a factor for me when buying minis, so go figure -- it really
depends the mood I'm in at the moment. This brings up another discussion for
another time: when do you drop a series? I feel like there is an unexploited
market out there for self-help for comic book fans when it's time to let go of
that long-time favorite when it's not working for you anymore. Other worlds,
gunslinger, other worlds. O.K. Last question: In the last twelve months, what
are your favorite two number one issues that you've read?

Brian Wood and David Lopez[3].
It's one of these jumping on point issues that takes the book in a radical new
direction and functionally is a #1. The hook is Planetary meets Authority,
but with a mutant strike team lead by Storm. 4 of the 5 team members are women, which I'm
surprised isn't getting more fanfare. He sets it in a fun
corner of the world, dropping in all sorts of obscure personal like Sabra (the
mutant Mossad Agent), quirky fringe characters like Pixie and Domino, and fun
Warren Ellis inspired sci-fi/green technology/experimental propulsion stuff.
David Lopez is an artist I wasn't familiar with, but I was instantly blown away
by his John Cassaday meets JH Williams III art. It's got this really glossy and
consistent polish to it, but then a lean, kinetic, detailed, and thin line
weight that I just adore.

Mr. Giampaoli (dude writes like a fiend) can be found at http://thirteenminutes.blogspot.com/ and follow him on Twitter @thirteenminutes for some of the best (and boldest) comic book criticism anywhere.
Justin took me to task on my ‘Gandalf analogy’ at
this point in the discussion. I edited it out of our discussion, but you can
read the whole damn thing here: I'm [Justin] struggling to come up with a Gandalf retort,
but uhhh... well, I guess a lot of people complain that when we first meet
Gandalf, the scenes in the Shire take forever and a day to conclude, but that
should NOT be attacked for decompression using my criteria because it's germane
to the story. I think Tolkien lingered there, at least in part, to show what an
idyllic and innocent place ye olde Hobbits were from to juxtapose that with
their involvement in the impending war. Contrast that to, I don't know, if
they'd shown Aragorn and the fellas camping out at Weathertop in real-time for
hours on end and I don't think you're adding much to the narrative, just boring
the audience with irrelevant decompression.
Álvaro López is also listed as an artist on X-Men #30. The colors are done by Rachelle
To boil it down, a good first issue is one that has me clamouring for the next, one that makes me rave enthusiastically about it to anyone who will listen in the hope they'll pick it up and feel the same way.
ReplyDeleteThere' are sooo many #1s coming out these days that it can be overwhelming, but I still love seeking out something new that will tick all the right boxes. The thrill of the chase, if you will. ;)
Oh, and Saga #1 wins the award from me for best debut issue of the last twelve months.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. Saga #1 was the choice for the Panel Culture guys. I considered it and it ticks off all the boxes as you say. For me, it felt over-stuffed like BKV was trying to say too much. Can something have too many hooks? It's an embarrassment of riches to be sure.